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Want to try it first? Using a PC? Click Here. Using A MAC? Click Here.
Every embroiderer needs to do some basic things. Those things should be easy and fun, not an hour long trip to the dealer for a class. And it shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg, either. And just because your computer is a Mac with OSX or a PC with Windows 7 64 doesn’t mean you should be left out! Embroidery software should be easy, fun and useful for everybody.
A couple years ago, someone told us what they like to use in their software. And then we heard the same thing from someone else. And it occurred to us that there are some things which are, “Essential to every embroiderer.” Yet many software programs have everything and the kitchen sink too, and they charge you for it. So we put just those things in one simple, inexpensive program, and called it, “Essentials.”
What are these “Essentials?”
Using your Mac or Windows PC you can:
•Merge embroidery designs in almost any format, even while they are in .ZIPs.
•Resize, with stitch recalculation.
•Convert Thread Brands on your designs.
•Add lettering in Multi-Line, Monogram and Circle modes. You can even spiral text or make really LARGE letters.
•Save in your machine’s format.
•Save working files so that you can edit text later.
•Overlap designs and have significant understitching removed.
•Run a simulator to show how your designs will sew out.
•Group/ Ungroup
•Change or remove individual colors in a design.
•Have many chances to Undo your work.
•There are special, self-modifying designs that can be used, and some come with the program. These designs calculate their stitches as you play with them for super results!
•Intel Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard) and later
•Windows XP 32-bit, Windows Vista 32/64, Windows 7 32/64, Windows 8
•Embrilliance is the only brand in the World that offers embroidery software running native on Mac and Windows 32 and Windows 64 (so it’s faster)!
Want to view the 12 included fonts? Click Here!
Want more fonts? Check out Font Collection 1
Don’t forget, you can View and Merge design files, even if they are in .ZIPs!
(Designs shown are not included, but shown with permission from Adorable Ideas.)
Size matters too!
Some companies charge more than this for a program that only does resizing of embroidery designs. With Essentials, sizing with stitch recalculation is included! You can re-size embroidery down to half and up to 250%!
We Live in a Colorful World
Colorize your designs. In a couple clicks you can convert an entire design to your favorite thread brand. Want to change colors in a design one-by-one? Maybe you have a DST file which has no colors, and you want to make it look correct by colorizing it. No problem. We’ve got you covered. Er, colored! Don’t see your brand here? We add threads whenever we can. Send us a link, and if we can get the color info, we’ll add it.
What makes Essentials stand out from the rest?
We all know there are other programs to do embroidery. And some have great features. Some have great prices. But the features you’re told you’ll love are the ones you never use. And when you want to do something simple, it isn’t easy. Often there’s no dedicated community. Help is haphazard. Worse, the inexpensive web-only software isn’t supported by your local dealer.
Embrilliance is here to fix all that. We have dealers. We have support. We narrowed down the features every embroiderer needs and put only those in this wonderful program. And we made it affordable! If you have the desire to get more out of embroidery than simply using your machine, this is how you do it.
So what are you waiting for? It’s available now. Get started today!
Wondering if it works with files for your machine? Yes it does!
Essentials can read:
.ART, .ART42, .ART50, .ART60, .CND,
.EXP, .EXP+, .HUS, .JAN, .JEF,
.JEF+, .PCS, .PCM, .PES, .PHB,
.VIP, .VP3, .XXX
Essentials can write:
.CSD, .DST, .DSZ, .EXP, .EXP+,
.SEW, .SHV, .TAP, .VIP, .VP3,
And it also includes special features to enable Mac users to write USB devices and floppy disks for use with embroidery machines.
Note: for Mac users who also own Husqvarna Viking Designer 1 machines: we also make Convert It, Mac which emulates Disk Manager on your Mac! The two programs make a very nice combined solution for D1 owners who use Mac.
Thank You for reading about Essentials!
Want to try it first?
Using a PC? Click Here.
Using A MAC? Click Here.
Want to read the manual? Click Here.
Prefer to view the help file online? Click Here.