Embroiderer's Compass - Your Guide to Embroidery Success by Deborah Jones
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Item # EC002
Features & Specifications
Problem fabrics? Let the Embroiderer's Compass point the way!
The Embroiderer’s Compass is the embroiderer’s guide to successful embroidery on a wide range of fabric types in a handy wheel design. It's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3. Point the arrow, get a solution.
Place the pointer on any fabric type and the recommended stabilizer and needle types are displayed in corresponding windows. There’s even a window that displays embroidery expert Deborah Jones’ recommendations for working with each fabric type.
The Embroiderer’s Compass is the simple solution to save time and money by getting the right stabilizer and needle combinations the first time, using an expert’s recommendations for a wide variety of materials.
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