SA162 Pin Tuck Foot (5mm) by Sew Tech - CLOSEOUT
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Item # SA162(F037N)
Features & Specifications
This is a replacement foot designed to work identical to the original accessory. Sews corded pintucks on garment and home decorating projects. Pintuck foot for 5mm feed dog width. Secure up to 5 threads, vary pin tuck width by moving threads in grooves. 5 grooves on sole plate for precise formation of pintucks.
For Use With:
CE1100PRW, CE-4000, CE5000PRW, CE5500PRW, CE7070PRW, CE8080PRW, CS100T, CS5055PRW, JX2517, LS1717, LS2125, LS2125i, LS30, LX2500, LX2763, LX3125, LX3125E, Simplicity SB170, Simplicity SB530T, SC9500, SM2700, VX-1120, XL2600i, XL-3025, XL-3027, XL-3050, XL-3100, XL-3200, XL3750, XL5130, XL5232, XL5340, XL6562, XM2701, XR-35, XR-37, XR3774, XR-40
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